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The Story of Islamic Architecture

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

An Article by: Umama Kabeer

Architecture has many different forms to represent different cultures. To the tiniest details, to grand structures. Every building has its own story. For instance Islamic architecture, which its style influences architects around the world today. To New York's Decker building, San Francisco's Clock Tower, to buildings in Spain, Saudi Arabia, The Philippines, etc. Architecture is one of the many forms to represent Islamic art. Known for its bright colors, astounding patterns, and its grand structures. Islamic architecture roots from Christian, Persian, and Indian structures. Styles were influenced by the Byzantine, Roman, and Mesopotamian empires.

Inside the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul.

Most Islamic architecture concentrates on the interior of the structure. Major Islamic structures were made to look like a fortress, but inside the structure were lavish gardens, rich water, and beautiful calligraphy. Islamic architecture was mostly used for important buildings, such as Mosques, tombs, important officials houses, and fortresses. The most important is the Mosque, which is used to pray to the Islamic god, and to have discussions.

Three Main Types of Islamic Architecture

The main types of Islamic architecture are the, Minarets, Domes, and Arches which are characterized in 3 styles. The Minarets are the oldest form of Islamic architecture. A Minarets is a tower like structure with small windows and an enclosed staircase. It is connected to most mosques and is used to call people to pray. The Domes are commonly used in mosques. It's a half spherical roof on top of a structure. The domes usually have beautiful calligraphy written on them. The arches are characterized in 3 main styles. The pointed arch is a round design that comes to a point. The ogee arch is a rounded design that curves up into a point to imitate an onion shape. The horseshoe arch is shaped as a horseshoe but can be rounded, pointed, or lobed.




Taj Mahal

Islamic architecture has many masterpieces over the centuries. The top five are the Taj Mahal, The Alhambra, The Mosque of Cordoba, The Dome of the Rock, and The Great Mosque of Samarra. The Taj Mahal was built in Agra between 1631-1648. The Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan ordered it to built for his late wife Mumtaz Mahal, which passed away giving birth to their fourteenth child. The massive beauty was built out of glistening white marble and stands 240 ft from the ground. It is one of the famous treasures of Islamic architecture.

Taj Mahal

The Alhambra and The Mosque of Cordoba

The Alhambra was built in 1238 in the spanish city of Granada by princes in the Nasrid dynasty. Is was originally made for military purposes, but later became a palace. The courtyards and rooms and beautifully decorated with marbled floors, carved wood, and colored tiles. It is one of the most beautiful structures in Islamic architecture. The Mosque of Cordoba was built in Cordoba,Spain in the late 18th century by Abd al-Rahman. It is believed to be built on top of a church. It contains a large prayer hall filled with columns, a fountain in the middle of a courtyard, a walkway circling the courtyard, and a minaert. The main attraction in the main hall is the horseshoe arch mihrab, which is a wall facing Mecca.

The Alhambra

The Mosque of Cordoba

The Dome of the Rock and The Great Mosque of Samarra

The Dome of the Rock was built in Jerusalem in 685-692, and is believed to be one of the first Islamic buildings made. The structure consists of a gleaming golden dome sitting on top of an octagonal base, which is covered in blue and white marble with calligraphy written on it. The building is not a mosque, scholars still have trouble finding what its purpose was. In Islamic tradition it is held as the place where Muhammad ascends to Janat, Islamic heaven. The Great Mosque of Samarra was built in Iraq in the mid 9th century. Al-Mutawakkil was in charge of building the great work. Most of the work was destroyed in the 11th century. The main attraction the 180 ft cone like minaret still stands, but the beautiful structure is predicted to crumble and fall due to Iraq's unstable government.

The Dome of The Rock

Architecture is a way to represent one's culture, story or beliefs. Islamic architecture is used to pray, protect, and defend the one loved. Every building has its own story. To the heartbreaking tale Taj Mahal, to the tale of protecting of the Alhambra.


Alhambra Valparaiso Ocio. “” La Alhambra De Granada,

Anderson, Kelli, and Shovava. “The Big City That Celebrates Creative Ideas.” My Modern Met, 13 Oct. 2019,

Cayao, Margs. “MUSLIM ARCHITECTURE.”, 27 Apr. 2016,

“The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat Al-Sakhra).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,

“Encyclopaedia Britannica.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, by Warren E. Preece, vol. 22, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1972, pp. 1–22.

“How Islamic Architecture Can Inspire Contemporary Architecture.” Arch2O.Com,

Nuttgens, Patrick. The Story of Architecture. Phaidon Press, 2003.

“Religions - Islam: Islamic Architecture.” BBC, BBC,

Tesch, Noah. “8 Masterpieces of Islamic Architecture.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Ugc. “Great Mosque of Samarra.” Atlas Obscura, Atlas Obscura, 1 Nov. 2011,

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12 commenti

Reed Durbin
Reed Durbin
28 ott 2019

Very well written! I liked that you used the picture as a large item to show what your were writing about -- it worked. Extensive research and clear, effective writing -- an example for others. Thank you!

Mi piace

28 ott 2019

Well written and can tell that research was done. The pictures are very nice

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Alexis Amadi
Alexis Amadi
28 ott 2019

I loved the way this article was written and the way you portrayed the images. I was also truly fascinated by the architecture and the story behind each one.

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Aaron Collins
Aaron Collins
28 ott 2019

This was very well written there was like one grammatical mistake but other than that it was really good;I especially loved the pictures it brought the article to life.

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Jayden Stegall
Jayden Stegall
27 ott 2019

Very well written. I liked the use of imagery combined with multiple pictures to depict it.

Mi piace
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