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Mongols & Technology

The Mongols used gunpowder to develop hand grenades and were the first nation in history to use them. Chinese Mongols are citizens of China were in religious groups like Buddhism, Mainly Chinese Mongols used grenades mostly in War because they felt that grenades would have helped them win a war faster from an explosion.

Mongol Cavalry men carried maces. Maces are a blunt weapon , A type of club or virge that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle. Maces consist of Strong Heavy Wooden or Metal Shaft and they are made out of Stone , Copper , Bronze or Steel. Mongols used Maces as a Weapon in War or if they are fighting someone.

Mongols Used Spears , A spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head. The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with fire hardened spears, or it may be made of a more durable material fastened to the shaft, such as flint, obsidian, iron, steel or bronze. Spears were used as a weapon in wars , fighting, and other things a spear as a very sharp point and can injury or kill as many people as you choose to use a spear on.

Mongol Invasion of Europe 📷

The Invasion of Europe was very bad point of time the Mongols had many men from their empire to die . The invasion of europe happen around the 13th century they were many combatants involved in this invasion. This large campaign happen in 1237 ce others didn't really have nothing to do with this campaign.


Mongol Invasions Of Japan

The Mongol invasions of Japan failed because Typhoon winds destroyed the Mongol fleet. The Mongols failed to conquer Japan even though they had successfully conquered the much larger land of China. The typhoon winds really made The Mongols Not have a chance of defeating Japan.

Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty📷

This is the mongol conquest of the song dynasty this is a military conflict that helped the mongol rule the whole east of Asia were apart of this event. This military conflict ended in 1279 the combatants in this were Mongol Empire, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty.


The mongol Empire is a very interesting group and showed me how their culture work and things they had to go through to get where they are.


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